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Did you know that equity release and Later Life Lending interest rates are set through slightly different mechanisms to more traditional based borrowing. A large selection of Later Life Lending products are linked to lifetime fixed interest rates and therefore the modelling & investment vehicles used to gain the lender interest rate' is very much different.
The marker used for Later Life lending is typically the FTSE 15 year gilt yield linked to pension funds. That's because most of the money comes from this area.
So, just because the Daily Mail, other media outlets and Martin Lewis quote the bank of England interest rate moving downwards this doesn't mean Later Life lending products will see a huge shift & swing in interest rates over night.
There is somewhat a paralysis created in our world as people chase the wish of golden goose lower interest rates that 'they may miss out on in future'. We are not guaranteed to have low interest rates ever again. The world has changed and whilst I feel Lifetime mortgage interest rates, Retirement mortgage interest rates have a margin to reduce, this isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Some of the lowest interest rates offered in the Later Life Lending product market are currently set at the bank of England base rate amount.
Historically, although we have seen 2% Later Life Lending interest rate offers, 5% was the norm only 10 years ago and there are currently 5% interest rate deals available to our clients now.
The world requires people to move on from covid 19 & other issues, to borrow and spend otherwise every industry is impacted from the shop keeper to the CEO of a large company.
Choosing not to do something due to the loss of a potential 0.5% reduction in interest rates hardly seems the right thing to do:
(a) your not promised the future and
(b) there's always the potential to realign to lower later life lending interest rates when the optimum time arrives 'in the future'. Its like life, nothing is guaranteed....
Don't put off what you want to do, live your life and be free.
Search Equity Release is a trading style of One Stop 4 Equity Release Limited. One Stop 4 Equity Release Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA no: 952887.
OneStop4EquityRelease Limited is a registered company in England and Wales, registration No: 13452621. Registered Address: 14 North St, Bourne, PE10 9AB.
We offer Lifetime mortgages from the whole of market and we will provide suitable advice that matches your needs. As part of our whole of market approach, we undertake full research including a specialised panel of a small number of providers, a list of which can be provided if you wish. We do not provide advice relating to home reversion plans.
To understand the features and risks, ask for a personalised illustration.
Our maximum arrangement fee is £1,695. We will provide you with a free initial consultation and we will always explain what you will be charged before you decide to proceed with an application.
These fees apply to regulated mortgages. Certain mortgages, primarily most buy to let and commercial mortgages, are not regulated. Fees for non-regulated mortgages can vary depending on your requirements and circumstances.
The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate some investment mortgage contracts.
Calls may be recorded for training and compliance purposes. Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
Under no circumstances should any of the information contained within this website be construed as “advice”. We will provide professional advice in respect of your own circumstances.
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